Please let us know if you’d like to help re-elect Andrew Keyes. Even if you don’t live in Markham Ward 5 there are many ways you can help out. Please be sure to fill out the Keyes Campaign Contact Form so we can keep you informed and let you know how you can help.

1. Volunteer

To win the election in Ward 5, Andrew is building a team of committed volunteers. If you have some time we’d be delighted to have you join us. There’s always plenty to do, from helping with literature distribution, making phone calls, and yes, even licking envelopes. It’s a great way to participate – and you’ll meet some great people along the way.

2. Pledge your support

It is very important we’re able to track Andrew’s support, so please let us know you’ll support him by filling out the Pledge form.

3. Make a donation

Unfortunately democracy isn’t cheap, and there are restrictions in place by the Ontario Municipal Elections Act that limit how much an individual can contribute to their own campaign. As a result, we need your financial support. To make a donation you can either contribute online, or you can send us a personal cheque.

4. Request a Lawn Sign

Help Andrew by showing your support. If you’d like to reserve a lawn sign, please let us know by filling out the form at the link below. We’ll deliver your sign and collect it after the election.